Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Part Four

China, is becoming increasingly concerned about the antics of Brown and Darling.

They see them as a bit like a group of kids who keep losing all the money. Then printing more.

Its a bit like the person who ate all the pies.

Only to bake a hundred more.

Its an addiction!

China is worried that, this time, if we go ahead wit the decision to print more money, it would destabilize the world economy.

And That's not a could. It's a would.

So lets just run by that again, in simple turns, for the layman amongst us...

Chancellors, secretaries, those sorts of people.

We seem to have a tad of a dilemma on our hands ladies and gentlemen.

Do we

a) Print more cash to prevent further crisis (or crises depending on weather its part of the existing crisis)


b) NOT print money to avoid destabilizing the worlds economy?

Hmmm. That's a toughy.

Isn't that just the same thing?

Checkmate, as they say in the game of Russian roulette.

Has doomsday finally arrived?

I must say its somewhat earlier than usual.
According to these books, they predict it wont come for a few more years.

the world is happening right before us, and even the economists have got it wrong. Typical.

I guess We can see how bad its going to get folks.

But luckily, there is ANOTHER WAY...

Its a wild card. The get out of jail card.

Remember, we are playing monopoly here.

It's not real money!!!

So in addition to A and B the government could always use this

its the quitting card. The Walking away and don't have to bother taking any action card.

That's right.

The present government can always use this, and march of into the sunset guilt free.

Yeah. Leave it to the Tori's! Let them have it. A nice bequeath present. That will sort the wheat from the chaff.

But meanwhile, who on search can we turn to in the time of need?

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